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Min Chen |
Home | Publications (CV) | Service | Awards | Talks | Experts | CFP | Photo | Links | Poems | Course |
2017 | |
1 | Min Chen, Y. Hao, L. Hu, K. Huang, V. Lau, "Green and Mobility-aware Caching in 5G Networks", IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2017.2760830, 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子4.951) |
2 | Min Chen, Y. Ma, Y. Li, D. Wu, Y. Zhang, C. Youn, "Wearable 2.0: Enable Human-Cloud Integration in Next Generation Healthcare System", IEEE Communications, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 54-61, Jan. 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435)[LocalPDF] |
3 | Min Chen, P. Zhou, G. Fortino, "Emotion Communication System", IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 326-337, 2017. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244)[Paper Video: link] |
4 | Min Chen, Jun Yang , X. Zhu, X. Wang, M. Liu, J. Song, "Smart Home 2.0: Innovative Smart Home System Powered by Botanical IoT and Emotion Detection", Mobile Networks and Applications, DOI 10.1007/s11036-017-0866-1, 2017. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259)[LocalPDF] |
5 | Min Chen, Y. Hao , K. Hwang, L. Wang, L. Wang, "Disease Prediction by Machine Learning over Big Healthcare Data", IEEE Access, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 8869-8879, 2017. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244)[LocalPDF] Among the most popular paper in IEEExplore [link] |
6 | Min Chen, Y. Zhang, M. Qiu, N. Guizani, Y. Hao, "SPHA: Smart Personal Health Advisor Based on Deep Analytics", IEEE Communications, accepted, 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435) |
7 | Min Chen, J. Yang, et al., "Urban Healthcare Big Data System based on Crowdsourced and Cloud-based Air Quality Indicators", IEEE Communications, to appear, 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435) |
8 | Min Chen, J. Yang, Y. Hao, S. Mao, K. Hwang, "A 5G Cognitive System for Healthcare", Big Data and Cognitive Computing, Vol. 1, No. 1, DOI:10.3390/bdcc1010002, 2017. |
9 | Min Chen, "Welcome to the New Interdisciplinary Journal Combining Big Data and Cognitive Computing, Big Data and Cognitive Computing, Vol. 1, No. 1, DOI:10.3390/bdcc1010001, 2016. |
10 | Min Chen, X. Shi, Y. Zhang, D. Wu, M. Guizani, "Deep Features Learning for Medical Image Analysis with Convolutional Autoencoder Neural Network", IEEE Trans. Big Data, DOI:10.1109/TBDATA.2017.2717439, 2017. |
11 | Y. Hao, Min Chen (corresponding author), L. Hu, J. Song, M. Volk, I. Humar, "Wireless Fractal Ultra-dense Cellular Networks", Sensors, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 841-848, 2017. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子2.677)[LocalPDF] |
12 | Y. Zhang, Min Chen*, D. Huang, D. Wu, Y. Li, "iDoctor: Personalized and Professionalized Medical Recommendations Based on Hybrid Matrix Factorization", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 66, pp. 30-35, Jan. 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.997)[LocalPDF] |
13 | K. Gai, M. Qiu, Min Chen, H. Zhao, "SA-EAST: Security-Aware Efficient Data Transmission for ITS in Mobile Heterogeneous Cloud Computing", ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 1-22, 2017. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.367)[LocalPDF] |
14 | Min Chen, Y. Ma, “一种心搏监测装置", 实用新型专利,已授权,专利号:201620478132X,专利公告日: 2017年3月28日 |
15 | Min Chen, Y. Ma, "一种生理信号采集装置", 实用新型专利,已授权,专利号:201620478508.7,专利公告日: 2017年3月31日 |
16 | Min Chen, Y. Ma, "一种心电监测装置", 实用新型专利,已授权,专利号:201620478054.3,专利公告日: 2017年2月24日 |
17 | "高能效无线多媒体网络设计与优化研究", 湖北省自然科学奖二等奖,2017. [LocalPDF] |
18 | C. Liu, Z. Zhang, Min Chen, "Personalized Multimedia Recommendations for Cloud-Integrated Cyber-Physical Systems", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 106-117, Mar. 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.882)[LocalPDF] |
19 | S. Kim, D. Kang, W. Kim, Min Chen, C. Youn, "A Science Gateway Cloud with Cost Adaptive VM Management Scheme for Computational Scientific Applications", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 173-185, Mar. 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.882)[LocalPDF] |
20 | Y. Li, Min Chen, W. Dai, M. Qiu, "Energy Optimization With Dynamic Task Scheduling Mobile Cloud Computing", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 96-105, Mar. 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.882)[LocalPDF] |
21 | D. Tian, J. Zhou, Min Chen, Z. Sheng, Q. Ni, V. Leung, "Cooperative Content Transmission for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks using Robust Optimization", IEEE INFOCOM 2018, Honolulu, Apr. 15-19, 2018. |
22 | Y. Sun, Min Chen, L. Hu*, Y. Qian, M. Hassan, "ASA: Against Statistical Attacks for Privacy-aware Users in Location Based Service", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 70, pp. 48-58, May 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.997)[LocalPDF] |
23 | Y. Hu, J. Song, Min Chen, "Modeling for Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks via Hydrodynamics", IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 128-135, 2017. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244)[LocalPDF] |
24 | D. Tian, J. Zhou, Z. Sheng, Min Chen, Q. Ni, V. Leung, "Self-organized Relay Selection for Cooperative Transmission in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol. 66, No. 10, pp. 9534-9549, Oct. 2017.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子4.066) |
25 | X. Guan, Y. Huang, Min Chen, H. Wu, T. Ohtsuki, Y. Zhang, "Exploiting Interference for Capacity Improvement in Software-Defined Vehicular Networks", IEEE Access, Vol. 5, No. 1, 10662-0673, 2017.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244)[LocalPDF] |
26 | C. Youn, Min Chen, P. Dazzi, "Cloud Broker and Cloudlet for Workflow Scheduling", Springer, ISBN 978-981-10-5071-8, 2017. [LocalPDF] |
27 | Y. Zhang, Min Chen, N. Guizani, D. Wu, V. Leung, "SOVCAN: Safety-Oriented Vehicular Controller Area Network", IEEE Communications, Vol. 55, No. 8, pp. 94-99, Aug 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435) |
28 | K. Hwang, Min Chen, Big Data Analytics for Cloud/IoT and Cognitive Computing, Wiley, U.K., ISBN: 9781119247029, 2017. |
29 | Min Chen, "认知计算导论", 教材, 华中科技大学出版社, ISBN: 9787568028080, April 2017. |
30 | D. Tian, C. Liui, Z. Sheng, Min Chen (*corresponding author) , Y. Wang, "Analytical Model of Spread of Epidemics in Open Finite Regions", IEEE Access, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 9673-9681, 2017. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244) |
31 | D. Wu, Y. Ke, J. He, Y. Li, Min Chen, "Mobile Cloud Gaming", Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-08234-9, 2017. [link] |
32 | Min Chen, Y. Miao , K. Hwang, "Narrow Band Internet of Things", IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 20557-20577, 2017. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244) |
33 | X. Gu, Y. Zhou, D. Wu, T. Chan, Min Chen, "Unveiling Latent Behaviors of Video Viewers with Cross-Platform Information", The 27th ACM SIGMM Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2017), Taipei, Taiwan, June 20-23, 2017. [LocalPDF] |
34 | Min Chen, J. Yang, "5G-Smart Diabetes: Towards Personalized Diabetes Diagnosis with Healthcare Big Data Clouds", IEEE Communications, accepted, 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435) |
35 | Min Chen, J. Yang, Y. Hao, et al., "G-Score Big Data System", IEEE Trans. Big Data, 2017. |
36 | M. Usama, M. Liu, Min Chen, "Job schedulers for Big data processing in Hadoop environment: Testing real-life schedule with benchmark programs", Digital Communications and Networks, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 260-273, 2017. |
37 | D. Tian, J. Wei, J. Zhou, Z. Sheng, Min Chen, N. Qiang, V. Leung, "From Cellular Decision Making to Adaptive Handoff in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2017.2748947, 2017. |
38 | Min Chen, "5G移动缓存与大数据", 华中科技大学出版社, 2017. |
39 | L. Xiang, J. Zhang, Min Chen, M. Jo, "Energy Efficiency Evaluation of Multi-tier Cellular Uplink Transmission under Maximum Power Constraint", IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2017.2739142, 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子4.951) |
40 | J. Zhou, D. Tian, Min Chen, S. Zhang, Q. Ni, "Optimal Epidemic Information Dissemination in Uncertain Dynamic Environment", IEEE Communications Letter, under review, 2017.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.988) |
41 | L. Peng, Min Chen, K. Park, Ch. Youn, "Virtual-Pod-Assisted Routing and Resource Assignment in Elastic All-Optical Switched Intra-Datacenter Networks", IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 406-420, 2017. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244)[LocalPDF] |
42 | Y. Zheng, D. Wu, Y. Ke, C. Yang, Min Chen, G. Zhang, "Online Cloud Transcoding and Distribution for Crowdsourced Live Game Video Streaming", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 1777-1789, 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.599)[LocalPDF] |
43 | Min Chen, Y. Qian, Y. Hao, Y. Li, J. Song, "Data-Driven Computing and Caching in 5G Networks: Architecture and Delay Analysis", IEEE Wireless Communications, accepted, 2017. ( JCR 一区期刊,影响因子 8.972 ) |
2017 (in revision or under review) | |
1 | Min Chen, Jun Yang , S. Mao, Y. Ma, M. Liu, "SCAI-SVSC: Smart Clothing for Effective Interaction with Sustainable Vital Sign Collection", IEEE Trans. Multimedia, submitted, 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.509) |
2 | Min Chen, Y. Hao, et al., "Task Scheduling in 5G Ultra-dense Cellular Networks with Renewable Energy Supplies", IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, submitted, 2017. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子4.951) |
3 | D. Tian, C. Liu, Z. Sheng, Q. Ni, Min Chen, V. Leung, "A Distributed Position-Based Protocol for Emergency Messages Broadcasting in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, under review, 2017.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子4.066) |
4 | X. Kui, C. Wang, Y. Li, Min Chen, S. Zhang, S. Chen, "Vehicular Cloud Computing: State-of-the-Art, Challenges, and Open Problems", IEEE Access, accepted, 2017.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244) |
2016 | |
1 | X. Hou, Y. Li, Min Chen, D. Wu, D. Jin, S. Chen, "Vehicular Fog Computing: A Viewpoint of Vehicles As the Infrastructures", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol. 65, No. 6, pp. 3860-3873, 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子4.066)[LocalPDF] |
2 | Y. Niu, Y. Li, Min Chen, D. Jin, S. Chen, "A Cross-Layer Design for Software Defined Millimeter-Wave Mobile Broadband System", IEEE Communications, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 124-130, 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435)[LocalPDF] |
3 | H. Zhao, Min Chen, M. Qiu, K. Gai, M. Liu, "A Novel Pre-cache Schema for High Performance Android System", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 56, pp. 766-772, Mar. 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.997) [LocalPDF] |
4 | F. Xu, Y. Li, Min Chen, S. Chen, "Mobile Cellular Big Data: Linking Cyberspace and Physical World with Social Ecology", IEEE Network, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 6-12, 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230)[LocalPDF] |
5 | W. Tang, F. Chen, Min Chen*, G. Liu, "Flow Scheduling in OBS Networks Based on Software-Defined Networking Control Plane", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-17, Jan. 2016. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.452)[LocalPDF] |
6 | Y. Sun, Min Chen*, A. Bacchus, X. Lin, "Towards Collusion-attack-resilient Group Key Management Using One-way Function Tree", Computer Networks, Vol. 104, pp. 16-26, July 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.516)[LocalPDF] |
7 | W. Ji, Y. Chen, Min Chen, B. Chen, Y. Chen, S. Kung, "Profit Maximization through Online Advertising Scheduling for A Wireless Video Broadcast Network", IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, Vol. 15, No. 8, pp. 2064-2079, Aug. 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.822)[LocalPDF] |
8 | T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, Min Chen, R. Jantti, "Coping with Emerging Mobile Social Media Applications through Dynamic Service Function Chaining", IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 2859-2871, 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子4.951)[LocalPDF] |
9 | Y. Hu, Min Chen, "Information Diffusion Prediction in Mobile Social Networks with Hydrodynamic Model", IEEE ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 23-27, 2016.(会议) [LocalPDF] |
10 | K. Lai, Min Chen, J. Deng, M. Hassan, G. Fortino, "Enhanced Fingerprinting and Trajectory Prediction for IoT Localization in Smart Buildings", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 1294-1307, 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.502)[LocalPDF] |
11 | Min Chen, Y. Ma, Y. Hao, Y. Li, D. Wu, Y. Zhang, E. Song, "CP-Robot: Cloud-assisted Pillow Robot for Emotion Sensing and Interaction", Industrialiot 2016, Guangzhou, China, Mar. 2016. (Best Paper Award) [LocalPDF] |
12 | Y. Sun, Min Chen, "NCKC: Non-Code-aided Key Calculation for Group Key Management", IEEE IWCMC 2016, Greece, Sep. 2016. [LocalPDF] |
13 | Min Chen, J. Wang, K. Lin, D. Wu, J. Wan, L. Peng, C. Youn, "Multipath Planning based Transmissions for IoT Multimedia Sensing", IEEE IWCMC, Greece, Sep. 2016. [LocalPDF] |
14 | X. Ge, Min Chen, et al., " 绿色无线通信与网络基础理论与方法", 2015年中国通信学会自然科学技术二等奖, 2016. [LocalPDF] |
15 | 宋恩民, 刘宏, 陈敏, 王军峰, "肺癌放疗肿块运动跟随护罩系统", 发明专利,已授权,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0479309.9 专利申请日: 2013年10月14日,专利公告日: 2016年1月20日 |
16 | Min Chen, Y. Hao, M. Qiu, J. Song, D. Wu, I. Humar, "Mobility-aware Caching and Computation Offloading in 5G Ultradense Cellular Networks", Sensors, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 974-987, 2016. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子2.677)[LocalPDF] |
17 | Y. Ma, Y. Hao, Yongfeng Qian, Min Chen, "Cloud-assisted Humanoid Robotics for Affective Interaction", IEEE ICCAR 2016, HK, April 28-30, 2016. [LocalPDF] |
18 | J. Ye, Y. He, X. Ge, Min Chen, "Energy Efficiency Analysis of 5G Ultra-dense Networks Based on Random Way Point Mobility Models ", IEEE Globelcom 5GSON workshop, 2016. [LocalPDF] |
19 | Y. Liao, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Min Chen, Q. Li , T. Han, "Performance Analysis of K-Tier Cellular Networks with Time-Switching Energy Harvesting", IEEE PIMRC Workshop IRACON, accepted, 2016. [LocalPDF] |
20 | 陈敏, et al., " 一种智能交互的情感呵护抱枕机器人系统 ",发明专利,已授权,专利号:201620224288.5 专利申请日: 2016年3月22日,专利公告日: 2016年[LocalPDF] |
21 | Min Chen, Y. Hao, S. Mao, D. Wu, Y. Zhou, "User Intent-oriented Video QoE with Emotion Detection Networking", IEEE Globelcom, Washington, USA, Dec. 4-8, 2016. [LocalPDF] |
22 | G. Gao, C. Liu, Min Chen, S. Guo, K. Leung, "Cloud-based Video Actor Identification with Batch-Orthogonal Local-Sensitive Hashing and Sparse Representation", IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 1749-1761, 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.509)[LocalPDF] |
23 | D. Zhang, L. Yang, Min Chen, S. Zhao, M. Guo, Y. Zhang, "Real-Time Locating Systems Using Active RFID for Internet of Things", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 1226-1235, Sep. 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.882)[LocalPDF] |
24 | Min Chen, Y. Ma, J. Song, C. Lai, B. Hu, "Smart Clothing: Connecting Human with Clouds and Big Data for Sustainable Health Monitoring", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 825–845, 2016. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259)[LocalPDF] |
25 | Min Chen, Y. Qian, S. Mao, W. Tang, X. Yang, "Software-Defined Mobile Networks Security", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 729–743, 2016. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259)[LocalPDF] |
27 | G. Gao, C. Liu, Min Chen, S. Guo, K. Leung, "Cloud-based Actor Identification with Batch-Orthogonal Local-Sensitive Hashing and Sparse Representation", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 1749-1761, 2016.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.509)[LocalPDF] |
28 | K. Hwang, Min Chen, J. Wu, "Mobile Big Data Management and Innovative Applications (Editorial)", IEEE Trans. Service Computing, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 784-785, 2016. [LocalPDF] |
29 | J. Ye, Y. He, X. Ge, Min Chen, "Energy Efficiency Analysis of 5G Ultra-dense Networks Based on Random Way Point Mobility Models," The 19th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (IEEE WPMC'16), Shenzhen, China, Nov. 14-16, 2016. |
30 | J. He, D. Wu, X. Xie, Min Chen, Y. Li, G. Zhang, "Efficient Upstream Bandwidth Multiplexing for Cloud Video Recording Services", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 1893-1906, 2016.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.599) [LocalPDF] |
31 | C. Tsai, M. Chiang, A. Ksentini, Min Chen (corresponding author) , "Metaheuristic Algorithms for Healthcare: Open Issues and Challenges", Computers & Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), Vol. 53, pp. 421-434, July 2016. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.570)[LocalPDF] |
32 | D. Kang, F. Al-Hazemi, S. Kim, Min Chen, L. Peng, C, Youn, "Adaptive VM Management with Two Phase Power Consumption Cost Models in Cloud Datacenter", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp 793–805, 2016. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259)[LocalPDF] |
33 | Y. Wang, X. Duan, D. Tian, Min Chen, X. Zhang, "A DSRC-Based Vehicular Positioning Enhancement Using a Distributed Multiple-Model Kalman Filter", IEEE Access, Vol. 4, pp. 8338-8350, 2016. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244)[LocalPDF] |
34 | T. Wang, D. Wu, J. Zhang, Min Chen, Y. Zhou, "Measuring and Analyzing Third-party Mobile Game App Stores in China", IEEE Trans. Network and Service Management, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 793-805, 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.134)[LocalPDF] |
35 | Y. Zhang, Min Chen, "Cloud Based 5G Wireless Networks", SpringerBriefs in Computer Science, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-47343-7, 2016. [LocalPDF] |
36 | Min Chen, Y. Li, "软件定义5G网络—— 面向智能服务5G移动网络关键技术探索", 华中科技大学出版社, ISBN 978-7-5609-9510-6, Dec. 2016. [LocalPDF] |
2016 (online published or accepted) | |
1 | Min Chen, Y. Qian, K. Hwang, J. Song, S. Mao, "Privacy Protection and Intrusion Avoidance for Cloudlet-based Medical Data Sharing", IEEE Trans. Cloud Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2016.2617382, 2016. |
2 | W. Sha, Y. Zhu, Min Chen, T. Huang, "Statistical Learning for Anomaly Detection in Cloud Server Systems: A Multi-Order Markov Chain Framework", IEEE Trans. on Cloud Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2015.2415813, 2015. [LocalPDF] |
3 | Z. Sheng, C. Mahapatra, V. Leung, Min Chen, P. Sahu, "Energy Efficient Cooperative Computing in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Trans. on Cloud Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2015.2458272, 2015. [LocalPDF] |
4 | Min Chen, Y. Hao, C. Lai, D. Wu, Y. Li, K. Hwang, "Opportunistic Workflow Scheduling over Co-Located Clouds in Mobile Environment", IEEE Trans. Service Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2016.2589247, 2016. [LocalPDF] |
5 | J. Chen, L. Zhang, K. He, Min Chen, R. Du, L. Wang, "Message-locked yuproof of ownership and retrievability with remote repairing in cloud", Security and Communication Networks, DOI: 10.1002/sec.1553, 2016. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子1.067) |
6 | H. Zhao, M. Qiu, Min Chen, K. Gai, "Cost-Aware Optimal Data Allocations for Multiple Dimensional Heterogeneous Memories Using Dynamic Programming in Big Data", Journal of Computational Science, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2016.06.002, 2016. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.748)[LocalPDF] |
2016 (in revision, submitted or in preparation) | |
1 | Min Chen, et al., "RoCoSense: Integrating Robot and Smart Clothing with Big-Data Cloud", in preparation, 2016. |
2 | J. Chen, et al., "CUPRisk: Comprehensive and Understandable Privacy Risk Assessment for Android Apps", IEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Computing, under review, 2016. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.926) |
3 | X. Ge, J. Chen, S. Ying, Min Chen, et al. "Energy and Coverage Efficiency Trade-off in 5G Small Cell Networks", IEEE Trans. Green Communications and Networking, under review, 2016. |
2015 | |
1 |
Min Chen, X. Wang, J. Wang, D. Wu, Y. Li, "KCN : Guaranteed Delivery via K-Cooperative-Nodes in Duty-Cycled Sensor Networks", IEEE 12th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), pp. 449-451, Oct. 2015. [LocalPDF] |
2 |
Min Chen, Y. Hao, Y. Li, D. Wu, D. Huang, "Demo: LIVES: Learning through Interactive Video and Emotion-aware System", ACM Mobihoc 2015, Hangzhou, June 22-25, 2015.(会议Demo) [LocalPDF] |
3 |
Min Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, M. Hassan, A. Alamri, "AIWAC: Affective Interaction through WearAble Computing and Cloud Technology", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 20-27, Feb. 2015.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) [LocalPDF] |
4 |
Min Chen, Y. Hao, Y. Li, C. Lai, D. Wu, "On The Computation Offloading at Ad Hoc Cloudlet: Architecture and Service Models", IEEE Communications, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 18-24, June 2015. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435) [LocalPDF] |
5 |
Min Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, S. Mao, V. Leung, "EMC: Emotion-aware Mobile Cloud Computing in 5G", IEEE Network, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 32-38, Mar. 2015.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230)[LocalPDF] |
6 |
H. Tian, D. Wu, J. He, Y. Xu, Min Chen, "On Achieving Cost-Effective Adaptive Cloud Gaming in Geo-distributed Data Centers", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 25, No. 12, pp. 2064-2077, 2015.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.599) [LocalPDF] |
7 |
Min Chen, Y. Zhang, L. Hu, T. Taleb, Z. Sheng, "Cloud-based Wireless Network: Virtualized, Reconfigurable, Smart Wireless Network to Enable 5G Technologies", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 704-712, Dec. 2015. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259)[LocalPDF] |
8 |
I. Son, S. Mao, Y. Li, Min Chen, M. Gong, and Theodore (Ted) S. Rappaport, "Frame-based medium access control for 5G wireless networks," ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 763-772, Dec. 2015. (Popular Content of this publication, as of Jan 30, 2015) ((JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259)[LocalPDF] |
9 |
Y. Sun, Min Chen, L. Peng, M. Hassan, A. Alelaiwi, "MatrixDCN: a high performance network architecture for large-scale cloud data centers", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, DOI: 10.1002/wcm.2579, Feb. 2015. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.899) [LocalPDF] |
10 |
D. Zhang, S. Zhang, L. Yang, Min Chen, Y. Wang, H. Liu "NextMe: Localization Using Cellular Traces in Internet of Things", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 302-312, 2015.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.785) [LocalPDF] |
11 |
J. Zhao, C. Liu, Min Chen, X. Liu, K. Leung, "Energy-Efficient Dynamic Event Detection by Participatory Sensing", IEEE ICC 2015, UK London, UK, pp. 3180-3185, June 8-12, 2015.(会议) [LocalPDF] |
12 |
Z. Sanaei, S. Abolfazli, A. Gani, Min Chen, "HMCC: A Hybrid Mobile Cloud Computing Framework Exploiting Heterogeneous Resources", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (IEEE Mobile Cloud 2015), San Francisco, USA, Mar.30-Apr.3, 2015.(会议) [LocalPDF] |
13 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, H. Kim, T. Kwon, Y. Choi, S. Choi, "Measurement and analysis of online gaming services on mobile WiMAX networks", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 1198-1211, May 2015. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.291) [LocalPDF] |
14 |
I. Humar, X. Ge, L. Xiang, J. Ho, Min Chen, "Chapter – Embodied Energy of Communication Devices," Green Communications: Principles, Concepts and Practice, edited by K. Samdanis et al., John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-1-118-75926-4, Aug. 2015. [LocalPDF] |
15 |
H. Wu, D. Huang, Min Chen, "POEM: On Establishing A Personal On-demand Execution Environment for Mobile Cloud Applications", IEEE 4th International Conference on Mobile Services, New York, USA, June 27-July 2, 2015. (会议) [LocalPDF] |
16 |
H. Tian, D. Wu, J. He, Y. Xu, Min Chen, "Toward Cost-Effective Mobile Video Streaming via Smart Cache With Adaptive Thresholding", IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 639-650, 2015. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.765) |
17 |
J. Liu, Y. Li, Min Chen, W. Dong, D. Jin, "Software-Defined Internet of Things for Smart Urban Sensing", IEEE Communications, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 55-63, 2015. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435)[LocalPDF] |
18 |
T. Duong, L. Shu, Min Chen, V. Bao, D. Ha, "Performance analysis of cooperative spatial multiplexing networks with AF/DF relaying and linear receiver over Rayleigh fading channels", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 500-509, Feb. 2015. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.899) [LocalPDF] |
19 |
X. Guan, Min Chen, T. Ohtsuki, "Non-cooperative gameb-ased packet ferry forwarding for sparse mobile wireless networks", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 15, No. 12, pp. 1633-1648, Aug. 2015. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.899) [LocalPDF] |
20 |
Y. Li, Min Chen, "Software-Defined Network Function Virtualization: A Survey", IEEE Access, Vol. 3, pp. 2542-2553, 2015. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244)[LocalPDF] |
21 |
Y. Ma, C. Liu, M. Alhussein, Y. Zhang, Min Chen*, "LTE-based humanoid robotics system", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 1279-1284, Nov. 2015. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.025) [LocalPDF] |
22 |
Min Chen (第一发明人), E. Song, W. Fan, J. Wang, Y. Liu, N. Pan, "An Interactive Hugtive Robot, 一种互动抱枕机器人", 发明专利,已授权,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0323789.X 专利申请日: 2013年7月30日,专利公告日: 2015年9月23日 |
23 |
Min Chen, D. Zhang, Y. Zhang, K. Qi, "大数据浪潮", 华中科技大学出版社, ISBN 978-7-5680-1270-6, Oct. 2015. "Big Data Inspiration", Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, ISBN 978-7-5680-1270-6, 2015. |
24 |
Min Chen, "OPNET物联网仿真", 华中科技大学出版社, ISBN 978-7-5609-9510-6, 2015. 湖北省社会公益出版基金资助项目.(著作)[LocalPDF] M. Chen, "OPNET IoT Simulation", Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, ISBN 978-7-5609-9510-6, 2015. |
25 |
Y. Zhang, Min Chen, "Smart and Interactive Mobile Healthcare Assisted by Big Data ", IEEE MMTC E-Letter, Vol.10, No.2, March 2015. [LocalPDF] |
26 |
Min Chen, "Guest Editorial: Mobile Cloud Computing: Emerging Research Advances, Prospects, and Challenges," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 16 No. 2, March 2015.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.930) |
27 |
Y. Li, F. Zheng, Min Chen, D. Jin, "A Unified Control and Optimization Framework for Dynamical Service Chaining in Software-Defined NFV System", IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 15-23, Dec. 2015. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) [LocalPDF] |
28 |
O. Yurur, C. Liu, C. Perara, Min Chen, X. Liu, W. Moreno, "Energy-Efficient and Context-Aware Smartphone Sensor Employment", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 64, No. 9, pp. 4230-4244, Dec. 2015.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.642) [LocalPDF] |
2014 | |
1 |
D. Zhang, Min Chen, M. Guizani, H. Xiong, D. Zhang, "Mobility Prediction in Telecom Cloud Using Mobile Calls", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 26-32, Feb. 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) [LocalPDF] |
2 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, T. kwon, L. Jin, V. Leung, "Mobile Traffic Offloading by Exploiting Social Network Services and Leveraging Opportunistic Device-to-Device Sharing", IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 28-36, 2014. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) [LocalPDF] |
3 |
Min Chen, J. Wan, S. Gonzalez, X. Liao, V. Leung, "A Survey of Recent Developments in Home M2M Networks," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 98-114, Feb. 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子6.490) [LocalPDF] |
4 |
X. Wang, Min Chen*, T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, V. Leung, "Cache In The Air: Enabling the Green Multimedia Caching and Delivery for the 5G Network", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 2, Feb. 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435) [LocalPDF] |
5 |
H. Wang, S. Wu, Min Chen, W. Wang, "Security Protection between Users and the Mobile Media Cloud", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 73-79, Mar. 2014. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435) [LocalPDF] |
6 |
Min Chen (single author), "NDNC-BAN: Supporting Rich Media Healthcare Services via Named Data Networking in Cloud-assisted Wireless Body Area Networks", Information Sciences, Vol. 284, No. 10, pp. 142-156, Nov. 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.893) [LocalPDF] |
7 |
Y. Zhang, Min Chen, S. Mao, L. Hu, V. Leung, "CAP: Crowd Activity Prediction Based on Big Data Analysis", IEEE Network, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 52-57, July 2014 .(JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) [LocalPDF] |
8 |
V. Leung, T. Taleb, Min Chen, T. Magedanz, L. Wang, R. Tafazolli, "Unveiling 5G Wireless Networks: Emerging Research Advances, Prospects, and Challenges", IEEE Network, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 3-5, Nov. 2014. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) [LocalPDF] |
9 |
X. Ge, X. Huang, Y. Wang, Min Chen, Q. Li, T. Han, C. Wang, "Energy Efficiency Optimization for MIMO-OFDM Mobile Multimedia Communications Systems with QoS Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 2127-2138, 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.642) [LocalPDF] |
10 |
V. Leung, R. Lai, Min Chen, J. Wan (Eds), "Cloud Computing", Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-05505-3, 2014. [LocalPDF] |
11 |
C. Lai, Min Chen, J. Pan, C. Youn, H. Chao, "Collaborative Computing Framework of Cloud Network and WBSN Applied Falling Detection and Body Reconstruction", IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 457-466, 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.072) [LocalPDF] |
12 |
W. Cai, Min Chen, V. Leung, "Towards Gaming as a Service", IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 12-18, May-June 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.000) [LocalPDF] |
13 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, T. Kwon, L. Yang, V. Leung, "AMES-Cloud: A Framework of Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming and Efficient Social Video Sharing in the Clouds", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 811-820, June 2013. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.509) [LocalPDF] |
14 |
P. Nevesa, J. Rodrigues, Min Chen, "A multi-channel architecture for IPv6-enabled wireless sensor and actuator networks featuring PnP support", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 37, pp. 12–24, Jan. 2014. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子1.772) [LocalPDF] |
15 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, "PreFeed: Cloud-Based Content Prefetching of Feed Subscriptions for Mobile Users", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 202-207, Mar. 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.882) [LocalPDF] |
16 |
C. Perera, C. Liu, S. Jayawardena, Min Chen, "A Survey on Internet of Things From Industrial Market Perspective", IEEE Access, Vol. 2, pp. 1660-1679, 2014. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244)[LocalPDF] Among the most popular paper in IEEExplore [link] |
17 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, X. Lai, "5G Wireless Technologies: Perspectives on the Next Generation of Mobile Communications and Networking", IEEE Access, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-3, Dec. 2014.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244)[LocalPDF] |
18 |
Min Chen, S. Mao, Y. Liu, "Big Data: A Survey", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 171-209, April 2014. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259)[LocalPDF] |
19 |
Min Chen, D. Mau, Y. Zhang, T. Taleb, V. Leung, "VENDNET: VEhicular Named Data NETwork", Vehicular Communications, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 208-213, Oct. 2014.(期刊) [LocalPDF] |
20 |
L. Liao, V. Leung, Min Chen, "Virtualizing IMS Core and Its Performance Analysis", Cloudcomp 2014, Guilin, China, Oct. 2014. [LocalPDF] |
21 |
D.Zhang, C. Hsu, Min Chen (通讯作者), J. Lloret, "Cold-start Recommendation Using Bi-clustering and Fusion For Large-scale Social Recommender Systems", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 239-250, June 2014.(期刊) [LocalPDF] |
22 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, Z. Han, D. Wu, T. Kwon, "TOSS: Traffic Offloading by Social Network Service-Based Opportunistic Sharing in Mobile Social Networks", IEEE INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada Apr. 27-May 2, 2014.(会议) [LocalPDF] |
23 |
W. Cai, Min Chen, C. Zhou, V. Leung, H. Chan, "Resource Management for Cognitive Cloud Gaming", Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014.(会议) [LocalPDF] |
24 |
T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, Min Chen,"A Markov Decision Process-based Service Migration Procedure for Follow Me Cloud", IEEE ICC 2014, pp. 1350-1354, Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014. (会议) [LocalPDF] |
25 |
Y. Zhang, L. Wang, X. Wang, Min Chen, "COMER: ClOud-based MEdicine Recommendation", QShine 2014, Rhodes, Greece, Aug. 18-19, 2014. (会议) [LocalPDF] |
26 |
D. Mau, Min Chen, T. Taleb, X. Wang, V. Leung, "FGPC: Fine-Grained Popularity-based Caching Design for Content Centric Networking", The 17th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (ACM MSWiM 2014), Montreal, Canada, Sep. 21-26, 2014. [LocalPDF](会议) |
27 |
Y. Huang, Min Chen, Z. Cai, X. Guan, C. Liu, T. Ohtsuki, "Capacity Analysis for Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks with Graph-Theory Based Construction", In the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom 2014), Huston, Texas, USA, December 8-12, 2014. (会议) [LocalPDF] |
28 |
B. Han, X. Wang, X. Chen, T. Kwon, Y. Choi, D. Mau, Min Chen, "PPP: Prefix-based Popularity Prediction for Effective Caching in Content-Centric Networking", ACM CFI 2014, Tokyo, Japan, June 18-20, 2014. (会议) [LocalPDF] |
29 |
Min Chen, S. Mao, Y. Zhang, V. Leung, "Big Data: Related Technologies, Challenges and Future Prospects", SpringerBriefs in Computer Science, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-06245-7, 2014, United States.(著作) [LocalPDF] |
30 |
陈敏,宋恩民,郭丹,林征,潘宁 "一种多功能抱枕机器人"; 实用新型专利,已授权,专利号:ZL201320522952.0,申请日期:2013年8月26日,授权公告日:2014年3月26日;发证单位:中华人民共和国国家知识产权局;专利权人:华中科技大学。(专利) [LocalPDF] |
31 | 陈敏,宋恩民,范文,王嘉伦,刘永川,潘宁 "一种多功能交互抱枕机器人"; 实用新型专利,已授权,专利号:ZL201320457677.9,申请日期:2013年7月30日,授权公告日:2014年3月26日;发证单位:中华人民共和国国家知识产权局;专利权人:华中科技大学。(专利) [LocalPDF] |
2013 | |
1 |
V. Leung, Y. Wen, Min Chen*, C. Rong, "Mobile Cloud Computing," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol.20, No.3, pp. 12-13, June 2013.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) |
2 |
C. Luo, G. Min, F. Yu, Min Chen, L. Yang, V. Leung, "Energy-Efficient Distributed Relay and Power Control in Cognitive Radio Cooperative Communications", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 31, No. 11, pp. 2442-2452, Nov. 2013.(JR一区期刊,影响因子4.138) |
3 |
Min Chen, Y. Wen, H. Jin, V. Leung, "Enabling Technologies for Future Data Center Networking: A Primer," IEEE Network, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 8-15, July 2013.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
4 |
V. Leung, Min Chen*, M. Guizani, B. Vucetic, "Cloud-Assisted Mobile Computing and Pervasive Services," IEEE Network, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 4-5, Sep. 2013. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
5 |
L. Zhou, Min Chen, H. Chen, Y. Qian, "Fairness Resource Allocation in Blind Wireless Multimedia Communications", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 946-956, June 2013.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.509) |
6 |
L. Cheng, W. Jiao, Min Chen, C. Chen, J. Ma, "Wait, Focus and Spray: Efficient Data Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks with Ubiquitous", Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 2503-2517, April 2013. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.163) |
7 |
J. Wang, Min Chen (通信作者), V. Leung, "A Price-Based Approach to Optimize Resource Sharing between Cellular Data Networks and WLANs", Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp 485-496, Feb. 2013. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.163) |
8 |
J. Wang, Min Chen (通信作者), V. Leung, "Forming Priority Based and Energy Balanced ZigBee Networks - A Pricing Approach",Telecommunications Systems, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp 1281-1292, Feb. 2013. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.163) |
9 |
Min Chen, "Towards Smart City: M2M Communications with Software Agent Intelligence", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 167-178, Nov. 2013.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.058) |
10 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, "Green Mobile Networking and Communications", Computer Journal, Vol. 56 No. 8, pp. 1-3, 2013. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子0.888) |
11 |
C. Lai, Min Chen; M. Qiu, A. Vasilakos, J. Park; "A RF4CE-based Remote Controller with Interactive Graphical User Interface Applied to Home Automation System"; ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems; Vol. 12; No. 2; Article No. 30; Feb. 2013.(JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.367) |
12 |
P. Shu, F. Liu, H. Jin, Min Chen, F. Wen, Y. Qu, Bo Li, "eTime: Energy-Efficient Transmission between Cloud and Mobile Devices", IEEE INFOCOM 2013 - Mini, Turin, Italy, Apr. 14-19, 2013.(会议) |
13 |
Min Chen, Y. Ma, S. Ullah, W. Cai, E. Song, "ROCHAS: Robotics and Cloud-assisted Healthcare System for Empty Nester ", BodyNets 2013, Boston, USA, Sep. 30- Oct.2, 2013.(会议) |
14 |
Min Chen, D. Mau, X. Wang, H. Wang, "The Virtue of Sharing: Efficient Content Delivery in Wireless Body Area Networks for Ubiquitous Healthcare", IEEE Healthcom 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 9-12, 2013. (会议) |
15 |
Min Chen, Y. Ma, J. Wang, D. Mau, E. Song, "Enabling Comfortable Sports Therapy for Patient: A Novel Lightweight Durable and Portable ECG Monitoring System", IEEE Healthcom 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 9-12, 2013. (会议) |
16 |
C. Chen, W. Ji, Min Chen, "Modeling the Hybrid Temporal and Spatial Resolutions Effect for Web Video Quality Evaluation", IEEE Globecom 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp. 1687-1692, Dec. 9-13, 2013. (会议) |
17 |
Y. Sun, Min Chen, Q. Liu, J. Cheng, "A High Performance Network Architecture for Large-scale Cloud Media Data Center", IEEE Globecom 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Dec. 9-13, 2013. (会议) |
18 |
Y. Sun, Min Chen, B. Liu, S. Mao, "FAR: A Fault-avoidance Routing Method for Data Center Networks with Regular Topology", ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ACM ANCS) 2013, San Jose, CA, Oct. 21-22, 2013. (会议) |
19 |
P. Shu, F. Liu, H. Jin, Min Chen, F. Wen, Y. Qu, Bo Li, "eTime: Energy-Efficient Transmission between Cloud and Mobile Devices", IEEE INFOCOM 2013 - Mini Conference, Turin, Italy, Apr. 14-19, 2013. (会议) |
20 |
W. Cai, V. Leung, Min Chen, "Next Generation Mobile Cloud Gaming", IEEE 7th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (IEEE SOSE 2013), pp. 551-560, March 25-28 2013. (会议) |
21 | J. Wan, Min Chen*, F. Xia, D. Li, K. Zhou, "From Machine-to-Machine Communications towards Cyber-Physical Systems", Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 1105-1128, 2013. |
22 | Y. Zhang, Min Chen, X. Liao, "大数据应用的现状与展望", 计算机研究与发展, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 216-233, 2013. |
23 | X. Ge, J. Martinez-Bauset, V. Gasares-Giner, B. Yang, J. Ye, Min Chen, "Modeling and performance analysis of different access schemes in two-tier wireless networks", IEEE Globecom 2013, 4402-4407, 2013. |
24 | W. Guo, Min Chen, A. Vasilakos, "Energy efficient architectures and techniques",
In: Chu, Xiaoli and López-Pérez, David and Yang, Yang and Gunnarsson, Frederik, (eds.) Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: Theory, Simulation and Deployment. Cambridge University Press., ISBN 9781107023093, 2013 |
25 | W. Cai, C. Zhou, V. Leung, Min Chen, "Environment Perception for Cognitive Cloud Gaming", Cloudcomp 2013, Wuhan, China, Oct. 2013. |
26 |
陈敏, "基于Android平台的健康监护机器人软件系统V1.0"; 登记号:2014SR039815 ,发证单位: 中华人民共和国国家版权局,申请日期(开发完成日期):2013年9月15日。(专利) |
2012 | |
1 |
M. Qiu, H. Su, Min Chen, Z. Ming, L. Yang, "Balance of Security Strength and Energy for a PMU Monitoring System in Smart Grid", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 142-149, May 2012. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435) |
2 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, Y. Zhang, T. Kwon, Y. Choi, "Characterizing the MMORPG Traffic: from Game Content to Network Access", IEEE Network Magazine, Vol.26, No.1, pp. 27-34, Feb. 2012.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
3 |
W. Ji, J. Liu, Min Chen (通信作者), Y. Chen, "Power-efficient video encoding on resource-limited systems: A game-theoretic approach",Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.427–436, Feb. 2012. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.997) |
4 |
K. Lin and Min Chen, S. Zeadally, J. Rodrigues, "Balancing Energy Consumption with Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 446–456, Feb. 2012. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.997) |
5 |
Min Chen, A. Vasilakos, David Grace, "Advances in Green Mobile Networks", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 17, pp. 1-3, 2012. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
6 |
Min Chen, A. Vasilakos, "Ubiquitous Body Sensor Networks", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 661–662, 2011.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
7 |
S. Gonzalez, Min Chen and V. Leung, "Programmable Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks Applications Using Mobile Agents",ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 853-865, Dec. 2010. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
8 |
L. Liao, Min Chen (通信作者), J. Rodrigues, X. Lai, and S. Vuong, "A novel web-enabled healthcare solution on HealthVault system",Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 1095-1105, June 2012. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.372) |
9 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, R. Hjelsvold, X. Huang, "Smart and interactive ubiquitous multimedia services", Computer Communications, Vol. 35, No. 15, pp. 1769-1771, 2012. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.352) |
10 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, L. Shu, H. Chao, "On Multipath Balancing and Expanding for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing(IJAHUC), Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 95-103, 2012.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子0.900) |
11 |
Y. Zhang, Y. Xiao, Min Chen, J. Zhang, and H. Deng, "A Survey of Security Visualization for Computer Network Logs," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 404–421, April 2012. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子1.067) |
12 |
Q. Liu, Min Chen, J. Zhang, B. Shen, Z. Chu, "Network Planning for WiMAX-R Networks", Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 1194_1217, 2012. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.401) |
13 |
Min Chen, J. Wan, F. Li, "Machine-to-Machine Communications: Architectures, Standards, and Applications", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 480-497, Feb. 2012.(JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.452) |
14 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, Zhu Han, T. Kwon, Y. Choi, "Content Dissemination by Pushing and Sharing in Mobile Cellular Networks: An Analytical Study", in 9th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Las Vegas, US, Oct 8th ~12th, 2012.(会议) |
15 |
Min Chen, "AMVSC: A Framework of Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming in the Cloud", IEEE Globecom 2012, Anaheim, California, USA, Dec. 3-7, 2012(会议) |
2011 | |
1 |
I. Humar, X. Ge, L. Xiang, M. Jo, Min Chen, J. Zhang, "Rethinking Energy-efficiency Models of Cellular Networks with Embodied Energy", IEEE Network Magazine, Vol.25, No.2, pp. 40-49, March/April 2011.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
2 |
Min Chen, L. Yang, T. Kwon, L. Zhou, M. Jo, "Itinerary Planning for Energy-efficient Agent Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 60, No.7, pp.3290-3299, Sep. 2011.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.642) |
3 |
S. Gonzalez, Min Chen*, V. Leung, "Mobility Support for Health Monitoring at Home Using Wearable Sensors", IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol.15, no.4, pp.539-549, July 2011.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.072) |
4 |
W. Tang, Min Chen (通信作者), J. Ni, X. Yang, "Security Enhancement Mechanism based on contextual authentication and role analysis for 2G-RFID systems", Sensors, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 6743-6759, 2011. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子2.677) |
5 |
L. Shu, M. Hauswirth, H. Chao, Min Chen, Y. Zhang, "NetTopo: A framework of simulation and visualization for wireless sensor networks",Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp.799–820, July 2011. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子1.943) |
6 |
W. Ji, Min Chen, X. Ge, P. Li, Y. Chen, "A Perceptual Macroblock Layer Power Control for Energy Scalable Video Encoder Based on Just Noticeable Distortion Principle", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp.1489-1497, Sep. 2011. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子1.772) |
7 |
C. Lai, Min Chen, "Playback-Rate Based Streaming Services for Maximum Network Capacity in IP Multimedia Subsystem", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.555-563, Dec. 2011.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.882) |
8 |
Min Chen, A. Vasilakos, "Ubiquitous Body Sensor Networks", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 661–662, 2011. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
9 |
Min Chen, J. Guan, H. Liu, "Enabling Fast Brain-Computer Interaction by Single-Trial Extraction of Visual Ev oked Potentials", Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 1323-1331, Oct. 2011.(JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.372) |
10 |
Min Chen, L. Zhou, T. Hara, Y. Xiao, V. Leung, "Advances in Multimedia Communications", International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 1243–1245, Oct. 2011. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.106) |
11 |
Min Chen, M. Qiu, L. Liao, Jongan Park, J. Ma, "Distributed Multi-hop Cooperative Communication in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks," Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 353-369, June 2011.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子0.841) |
12 |
Min Chen; Chin-feng Lai; H. Wang; "Mobile Multimedia Sensor Networks: Architecture and Routing" ; EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking; Vol. 2011, No. 1, pp: 159-168, 2011.(JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.805) |
13 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, T. Kwon, H. Chao, "Multiple Mobile Agents Itinerary Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey and Evaluation",IET Communications, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 1769-1776, Aug. 2011. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.720) |
14 |
C. Lai, Y. Huang, J. Chen, W. Ji, Min Chen, "Design and Integration of the OpenCore Based Mobile TV Framework for DVB-H/T Wireless Network", ACM /Springer Multimedia Systems, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 299-311, July 2011. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.443) |
15 |
X. Liu, Min Chen (通信作者), T. Wan, C. Yu, "Hybrid No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Focusing on Codec Effects," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, pp. 592 - 606, Mar. 2011. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.452) |
16 |
M. Qiu, W. Gao, Min Chen, J. Niu, L. Zhang, "Energy Efficient Security Algorithm for Power Grid Wide Area Monitoring System", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 715-723, Dec. 2011.(期刊) |
17 | Min Chen, S. Gonzalez, A. Vasilakos, H. Cao, V. Leung, "Body Area Networks: A Survey", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 171-193, April 2011.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
18 | C. Tsai, W. Li, Min Chen, W. Hsieh, C. Yang, "Analysis of multi-path random key pre-distribution for wireless sensor networks", 2011 Fifth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), pp. 497-502, 2015. |
19 | J. Yin, Min Chen, "SSN: a seamless spontaneous network design around opportunistic contacts", Journal of Mobile Multimedia, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 239-255, 2011. |
20 | K. Lin, Min Chen, "Research on energy efficient fusion-driven routing in wireless multimedia sensor networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2011, DOI: 10.1186/1687-1499-2011-142, 2011. |
21 |
L. Xiang, F. Pantisano, R. Verdone, X. Ge, Min Chen, "Adaptive Traffic Load-Balancing for Green Cellular Networks", IEEE PIMRC, 2011. |
2010 | |
1 |
Min Chen, S. Gonzalez, Q. Zhang, M. Li and V. Leung, "A 2G-RFID based E-healthcare System", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 37-43, Feb. 2010.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) |
2 |
Min Chen, S. Gonzalez, Q. Zhang, V. Leung, "Software Agent-based Intelligence for Code-centric RFID Systems", IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 12-19, Mar./Apr. 2010.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.920) |
3 |
S. Gonzalez, Min Chen and V. Leung, "Programmable Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks Applications Using Mobile Agents",ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 853-865, Dec. 2010. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
4 |
L. Zhou, Min Chen , Z. Yu, J. Rodrigues, H. Chao, "Cross-Layer Wireless Video Adaptation: Tradeoff between Distortion and Delay",Computer Communications, Vol. 33, No. 14, pp. 1615-1622, Sep. 2010. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.352) |
5 | K. Lin, Min Chen, J. Rodrigues, S. Zeadally, L. Wang, "On Energy Equilibrium in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Advanced Sensor Integration Technology, 2010. |
6 | W. Ji, Min Chen, X. Ge, P. Li, Y. Chen, "ESVD: A Integrated Energy Scalable Framework for Low Power Video Decoding Systems", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2010, doi:10.1155/2010/234131, 2010. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.805) |
7 | K. Lin, Min Chen, X. Ge, "Adaptive Reliable Routing Based on Cluster Hierarchy for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, DOI: 10.1155/2010/567952, 2010. |
8 |
X. Ge, C. Cao, M. Jo, Min Chen, J. Hu, I. Humar, "Energy Efficiency Modelling and Analyzing Based on Multi-cell and Multi-antenna Cellular Networks", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 560-574, Aug. 2010.(JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.452) |
2009 | |
1 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, S. Mao, Y. Xiao, I. Chlamtac, "Hybrid Geographical Routing for Flexible Energy-Delay Trade-Offs", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.58, no.9, pp.4976-4988, Nov. 2009. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.642) |
2 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, S. Mao, "Directional Controlled Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks," ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications,Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 220-229, April 2009. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
3 |
Min Chen; T. Kwon; S. Mao and V. Leung; "Spatial-Temporal Relation-Based Energy-Efficient Reliable Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks "; International Journal on Sensor Networks; Vol.5, No.3, pp.129 – 141, 2009.(JCR期刊未知,影响因子1.386) |
4 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, S. Mao and T. Kwon, "Receiver-oriented Load-balancing and Reliable Routing in in Wireless Sensor Networks", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing(WCMC), Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 405-416, Mar. 2009.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.899) |
5 | W. Cai, Min Chen, X. Wang, "Angle Gap (AG) based Grouping Algorithm for Multi-Mobile Agents Itinerary Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks", KICS, 2009. |
6 |
Y. Zhang, M. Park, H. Chao, Min Chen, L. Shu, C. Park, "Outlier Detection and Countermeasure for Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks." IET Information Security, Vol. 4, No. 4, 361 – 373, 2009. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.631) |
2008 | |
1 | Min Chen, T. Kwon, S. Mao, Y. Yuan, and V. Leung, "Reliable and Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal on Sensor Networks, Vol.4, No.1/2, pp.104-117, 2008. (ISSN: 1748-1287) (JCR期刊未知,影响因子1.386) |
2007 | |
1 |
Min Chen, S. Gonzalez and V. Leung, "Applications and Design Issues of Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 20-26, Dec. 2007. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) |
2 |
Min Chen, T. Kwon, Y. Yuan, Y. Choi, and V. Leung, "MADD: Mobile-agent-based Directed Diffusion in Wireless Sensor Networks",EURASIP Journal on Applied in Signal Processing, Vol. 2007, No. 1, pp. 219–242, Jan. 2007. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.808) |
3 |
Min Chen,V. Leung, S. Mao, Y. Yuan, "Directional Geographical Routing for Real-Time Video Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks", Elsevier Computer Communications, Vol. 30, No. 17, pp.3368–3383, Nov. 2007.(期刊) |
4 |
Min Chen, T. Kwon, Y. Yuan, Y. Choi, and V. Leung, "MADD: Mobile-agent-based Directed Diffusion in Wireless Sensor Networks", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2007, No. 1, pp. 219–242, Jan. 2007.(期刊) |
2006 | |
1 |
Yong Yuan; Z. He; and Min Chen; "Virtual MIMO-based Cross Layer Design for Wireless Sensor Networks;" IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; Vol. 53; No.3; pp. 856-864, May 2006.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.642) |
2 |
Y. Yuan, Min Chen, T. Kwon, "A Novel Cluster Based Cooperative MIMO Scheme for Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2006, No. 2, pp. 38-47, 2006.(JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.805) |
3 |
Min Chen; X. Wang; Victor Leung; Yong Yuan; "VCR: Virtual Coordinates Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks"; Sensor Letters (SL); Vol.4; No.3 pp.325-330; 2006.(JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.558) |
4 |
Y. Yuan and Min Chen, "Mixture Integer Programming Based Optimal Transmission Policy Design for Multiple Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks", Sensor Letters, Vol.4, No.3, pp. 266-274, Sep. 2006. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.558) |
5 |
Min Chen, T. Kwon, Y. Yuan, V. Leung, "Mobile Agent Based Wireless Sensor Networks", Journal of Computers, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 14-21, April 2006.(期刊) |
6 |
Min Chen, T. Kwon, and Y. Choi, "Energy-efficient Differentiated Directed Diffusion (EDDD) for Real-Time Traffic in Wireless Sensor Networks", Elsevier Computer Communications, Vol. 29, No.2, pp. 231-245, Jan. 2006. |
2004 | |
1 |
Min Chen and G. Wei, "Multi-Stages Hybrid ARQ with Conditional Frame Skipping and Reference Frame Selecting Scheme for Real-Time Video Transport Over Wireless LAN," IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 50, No.1, pp.158-167, Feb, 2004.(期刊) |
2 |
Min Chen, "OPNET Network Simulation", Press of Tsinghua University, 2004, ISBN 7-302-08232-4. (著作) |
Publication Arranged by Journal Title |
1. IEEE Wireless Communications | |
1 |
Min Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, M. Hassan, A. Alamri, "AIWAC: Affective Interaction through WearAble Computing and Cloud Technology", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 20-27, Feb. 2015.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) |
2 |
D. Zhang, Min Chen, M. Guizani, H. Xiong, D. Zhang, "Mobility Prediction in Telecom Cloud Using Mobile Calls", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 26-32, Feb. 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) |
3 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, T. kwon, L. Jin, V. Leung, "Mobile Traffic Offloading by Exploiting Social Network Services and Leveraging Opportunistic Device-to-Device Sharing", IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 28-36, 2014. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) |
4 |
V. Leung, Y. Wen, Min Chen*, C. Rong, "Mobile Cloud Computing," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol.20, No.3, pp. 12-13, June 2013.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) |
5 |
Min Chen, S. Gonzalez, Q. Zhang, M. Li and V. Leung, "A 2G-RFID based E-healthcare System", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 37-43, Feb. 2010.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) |
6 |
Min Chen, S. Gonzalez and V. Leung, "Applications and Design Issues of Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 20-26, Dec. 2007. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.972) |
2. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials | |
1 |
Min Chen, J. Wan, S. Gonzalez, X. Liao, V. Leung, "A Survey of Recent Developments in Home M2M Networks," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 98-114, Feb. 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子6.490) |
3. IEEE Communications Magazine | |
1 |
Min Chen, Y. Hao, et al., "On The Computation Offloading at Ad Hoc Cloudlet: Architecture and Service Models", IEEE Communications, Vol. 53, No. 3, Apr. 2015.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子10.435) |
2 |
X. Wang, Min Chen*, T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, V. Leung, "Cache In The Air: Enabling the Green Multimedia Caching and Delivery for the 5G Network", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 2, Feb. 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子4.460) |
3 |
H. Wang, S. Wu, Min Chen, W. Wang, "Security Protection between Users and the Mobile Media Cloud", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 73-79, Mar. 2014. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子4.460) |
4 |
M. Qiu, H. Su, Min Chen, Z. Ming, L. Yang, "Balance of Security Strength and Energy for a PMU Monitoring System in Smart Grid", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 142-149, May 2012. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子4.460) |
4. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | |
1 |
C. Luo, G. Min, F. Yu, Min Chen, L. Yang, V. Leung, "Energy-Efficient Distributed Relay and Power Control in Cognitive Radio Cooperative Communications", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 31, No. 11, pp. 2442-2452, Nov. 2013.(JR一区期刊,影响因子4.138) |
5. Information Sciences | |
1 |
Min Chen (single author), "NDNC-BAN: Supporting Rich Media Healthcare Services via Named Data Networking in Cloud-assisted Wireless Body Area Networks", Information Sciences, Vol. 284, No. 10, pp. 142-156, Nov. 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.893) |
6. IEEE Network | |
1 |
Min Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, S. Mao, V. Leung, "EMC: Emotion-aware Mobile Cloud Computing", IEEE Network, Vol. 29, No. 2, Mar. 2015.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
2 |
Y. Zhang, Min Chen, S. Mao, L. Hu, V. Leung, "CAP: Crowd Activity Prediction Based on Big Data Analysis", IEEE Network, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 52-57, July 2014 .(JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
3 |
V. Leung, T. Taleb, Min Chen, T. Magedanz, L. Wang, R. Tafazolli, "Unveiling 5G Wireless Networks: Emerging Research Advances, Prospects, and Challenges", IEEE Network, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 3-5, Nov. 2014. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
4 |
Min Chen, Y. Wen, H. Jin, V. Leung, "Enabling Technologies for Future Data Center Networking: A Primer," IEEE Network, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 8-15, July 2013.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
5 |
V. Leung, Min Chen*, M. Guizani, B. Vucetic, "Cloud-Assisted Mobile Computing and Pervasive Services," IEEE Network, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 4-5, Sep. 2013. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
6 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, Y. Zhang, T. Kwon, Y. Choi, "Characterizing the MMORPG Traffic: from Game Content to Network Access", IEEE Network Magazine, Vol.26, No.1, pp. 27-34, Feb. 2012.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
7 |
I. Humar, X. Ge, L. Xiang, M. Jo, Min Chen, J. Zhang, "Rethinking Energy-efficiency Models of Cellular Networks with Embodied Energy", IEEE Network Magazine, Vol.25, No.2, pp. 40-49, March/April 2011.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子7.230) |
7. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | |
1 |
X. Ge, X. Huang, Y. Wang, Min Chen, Q. Li, T. Han, C. Wang, "Energy Efficiency Optimization for MIMO-OFDM Mobile Multimedia Communications Systems with QoS Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 2127-2138, 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.642) |
2 |
O. Yurur, C. Liu, C. Perara, Min Chen, X. Liu, W. Moreno, "Energy-Efficient and Context-Aware Smartphone Sensor Employment", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,10.1109/TVT.2014.2364619, 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.642) |
3 |
Min Chen, L. Yang, T. Kwon, L. Zhou, M. Jo, "Itinerary Planning for Energy-efficient Agent Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 60, No.7, pp.3290-3299, Sep. 2011.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.642) |
4 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, S. Mao, Y. Xiao, I. Chlamtac, "Hybrid Geographical Routing for Flexible Energy-Delay Trade-Offs", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.58, no.9, pp.4976-4988, Nov. 2009. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.642) |
5 |
Yong Yuan; Z. He; and Min Chen; "Virtual MIMO-based Cross Layer Design for Wireless Sensor Networks;" IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; Vol. 53; No.3; pp. 856-864, May 2006.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.642) |
8. Future Generation Computer Systems | |
1 |
W. Ji, J. Liu, Min Chen (通信作者), Y. Chen, "Power-efficient video encoding on resource-limited systems: A game-theoretic approach",Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.427–436, Feb. 2012. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.997) |
2 |
K. Lin and Min Chen, S. Zeadally, J. Rodrigues, "Balancing Energy Consumption with Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 446–456, Feb. 2012. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.997) |
9. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine | |
1 |
C. Lai, Min Chen, J. Pan, C. Youn, H. Chao, "Collaborative Computing Framework of Cloud Network and WBSN Applied Falling Detection and Body Reconstruction", IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 457-466, 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.072) |
2 |
S. Gonzalez, Min Chen*, V. Leung, "Mobility Support for Health Monitoring at Home Using Wearable Sensors", IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol.15, no.4, pp.539-549, July 2011.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.072) |
10. Sensors | |
1 |
W. Tang, Min Chen (通信作者), J. Ni, X. Yang, "Security Enhancement Mechanism based on contextual authentication and role analysis for 2G-RFID systems", Sensors, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 6743-6759, 2011. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子2.677) |
11. IEEE Internet Computing | |
1 |
W. Cai, Min Chen, V. Leung, "Towards Gaming as a Service", IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 12-18, May-June 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子2.000) |
12. Ad Hoc Networks | |
1 |
L. Shu, M. Hauswirth, H. Chao, Min Chen, Y. Zhang, "NetTopo: A framework of simulation and visualization for wireless sensor networks", Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp.799–820, July 2011. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子1.943) |
13. IEEE Intelligent Systems | |
1 |
Min Chen, S. Gonzalez, Q. Zhang, V. Leung, "Software Agent-based Intelligence for Code-centric RFID Systems", IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 12-19, Mar./Apr. 2010.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.920) |
14. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | |
1 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, T. Kwon, L. Yang, V. Leung, "AMES-Cloud: A Framework of Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming and Efficient Social Video Sharing in the Clouds", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 811-820, June 2013. On the list of the top 25 most popular papers from IEEE TMM, Feb. 2014. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.509) |
2 |
L. Zhou, Min Chen, H. Chen, Y. Qian, "Fairness Resource Allocation in Blind Wireless Multimedia Communications", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 946-956, June 2013.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子1.776) |
15. Journal of Network and Computer Applications | |
1 |
P. Nevesa, J. Rodrigues, Min Chen, "A multi-channel architecture for IPv6-enabled wireless sensor and actuator networks featuring PnP support", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 37, pp. 12–24, Jan. 2014. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子1.772) |
2 |
W. Ji, Min Chen, X. Ge, P. Li, Y. Chen, "A Perceptual Macroblock Layer Power Control for Energy Scalable Video Encoder Based on Just Noticeable Distortion Principle", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp.1489-1497, Sep. 2011. (JCR一区期刊,影响因子1.772) |
16. IEEE Systems Journal | |
1 |
X. Wang, Min Chen, "PreFeed: Cloud-Based Content Prefetching of Feed Subscriptions for Mobile Users", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 202-207, Mar. 2014.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.882) |
2 |
C. Lai, Min Chen, "Playback-Rate Based Streaming Services for Maximum Network Capacity in IP Multimedia Subsystem", IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.555-563, Dec. 2011.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.882) |
17. Mobile Networks & Applications | |
1 |
Min Chen, Y. Zhang, L. Hu, T. Taleb, Z. Sheng, " Cloud-based Wireless Network: Virtualized, Reconfigurable, Smart Wireless Network to Enable 5G Technologies ",ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, DOI:10.1007/s11036-015-0590-7, 2015.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
2 |
I. Son, S. Mao, Y. Li, Min Chen, M. Gong, and Theodore (Ted) S. Rappaport, "Frame-based medium access control for 5G wireless networks," ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s11036-014-0565-0, 2015. (Popular Content of this publication, as of Jan 30, 2015) (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
3 |
Min Chen, S. Mao, Y. Liu, "Big Data: A Survey", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 171-209, April 2014. Rank 1st among most downloaded papers after online published for three days. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
4 |
Min Chen, Y. Zhang, L. Hu, T. Taleb, Z. Sheng, " Cloud-based Wireless Network: Virtualized, Reconfigurable, Smart Wireless Network to Enable 5G Technologies ", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, DOI:10.1007/s11036-015-0590-7, 2015. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
5 |
Min Chen, A. Vasilakos, David Grace, "Advances in Green Mobile Networks", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 17, pp. 1-3, 2012. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
6 |
Min Chen, S. Gonzalez, A. Vasilakos, H. Cao, V. Leung, "Body Area Networks: A Survey", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 171-193, April 2011. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
7 |
Min Chen, A. Vasilakos, "Ubiquitous Body Sensor Networks",ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 661–662, 2011. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
8 |
S. Gonzalez, Min Chen and V. Leung, "Programmable Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks Applications Using Mobile Agents",ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 853-865, Dec. 2010. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
9 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, S. Mao, "Directional Controlled Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks," ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications,Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 220-229, April 2009. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259) |
18. International Journal on Sensor Networks | |
1 |
Min Chen; Taekyoung Kwon; Shiwen Mao and Victor Leung; "Spatial-Temporal Relation-Based Energy-Efficient Reliable Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks "; International Journal on Sensor Networks; Vol.5, No.3, pp.129 – 141, 2009.(JCR期刊未知,影响因子1.386) |
2 |
Min Chen, T. Kwon, S. Mao, Y. Yuan, and V. Leung, "Reliable and Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal on Sensor Networks, Vol.4, No.1/2, pp.104-117, 2008. (ISSN: 1748-1287) (JCR期刊未知,影响因子1.386) |
19. Journal of Medical Systems | |
1 |
Min Chen, J. Guan, H. Liu, "Enabling Fast Brain-Computer Interaction by Single-Trial Extraction of Visual Ev oked Potentials", Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 1323-1331, Oct. 2011.(JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.372) |
2 |
L. Liao, Min Chen (通信作者), J. Rodrigues, X. Lai, and S. Vuong, "A novel web-enabled healthcare solution on HealthVault system", Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 1095-1105, June 2012. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.372) |
20. Computer Communications | |
1 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, R. Hjelsvold, X. Huang, "Smart and interactive ubiquitous multimedia services", Computer Communications, Vol. 35, No. 15, pp. 1769-1771, 2012. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.352) |
2 |
L. Zhou, Min Chen , Z. Yu, J. Rodrigues, H. Chao, "Cross-Layer Wireless Video Adaptation: Tradeoff between Distortion and Delay", Computer Communications, Vol. 33, No. 14, pp. 1615-1622, Sep. 2010. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.352) |
3 |
Min Chen,V. Leung, S. Mao, Y. Yuan, "Directional Geographical Routing for Real-Time Video Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks", Elsevier Computer Communications, Vol. 30, No. 17, pp.3368–3383, Nov. 2007.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.352) |
4 |
Min Chen, T. Kwon, and Y. Choi, "Energy-efficient Differentiated Directed Diffusion (EDDD) for Real-Time Traffic in Wireless Sensor Networks", Elsevier Computer Communications, Vol. 29, No.2, pp. 231-245, Jan. 2006. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.352) |
21. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing | |
1 |
Y. Sun, Min Chen, L. Peng, M. Hassan, A. Alelaiwi, "MatrixDCN: a high performance network architecture for large-scale cloud data centers",Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, DOI: 10.1002/wcm.2579, Feb. 2015. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.899) |
2 | X. Wang, Min Chen, H. Kim, T. Kwon, Y. Choi, S. Choi, "Measurement and analysis of online gaming services on mobile WiMAX networks", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 1198-1211, May 2015. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.899) |
3 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, S. Mao and T. Kwon, "Receiver-oriented Load-balancing and Reliable Routing in in Wireless Sensor Networks", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 405-416, Mar. 2009.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.899) |
22. Telecommunication Systems | |
1 |
L. Cheng, W. Jiao, Min Chen, C. Chen, J. Ma, "Wait, Focus and Spray: Efficient Data Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks with Ubiquitous",Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 2503-2517, April 2013. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.163) |
2 |
J. Wang, Min Chen (通信作者), V. Leung, "A Price-Based Approach to Optimize Resource Sharing between Cellular Data Networks and WLANs",Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp 485-496, Feb. 2013. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.163) |
3 |
J. Wang, Min Chen (通信作者), V. Leung, "Forming Priority Based and Energy Balanced ZigBee Networks - A Pricing Approach",Telecommunications Systems, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp 1281-1292, Feb. 2013. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.163) |
23. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics | |
1 |
Min Chen and G. Wei, "Multi-Stages Hybrid ARQ with Conditional Frame Skipping and Reference Frame Selecting Scheme for Real-Time Video Transport Over Wireless LAN," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 50, No.1, pp.158-167, Feb, 2004.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.157) |
24. International Journal of Communication Systems | |
1 |
Min Chen, L. Zhou, T. Hara, Y. Xiao, V. Leung, "Advances in Multimedia Communications", International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 1243–1245, Oct. 2011. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.106) |
25. Electronics Letters | |
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H. Yu, Min Chen, and G. Wei, "Distribution of the PAR in DMT systems,"IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 39, No. 10, May 2003. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.068) |
26. Multimedia Tools And Applications | |
1 |
Min Chen, "Towards Smart City: M2M Communications with Software Agent Intelligence", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 167-178, Nov. 2013.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.058) |
27. International Journal Of Ad Hoc And Ubiquitous Computing | |
1 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, L. Shu, H. Chao, "On Multipath Balancing and Expanding for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 95-103, 2012.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子0.900) |
28. Computer Journal | |
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Min Chen, V. Leung, "Green Mobile Networking and Communications",Computer Journal, Vol. 56 No. 8, pp. 1-3, 2013. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子0.888) |
29. Journal of Supercomputing | |
1 |
Min Chen, M. Qiu, L. Liao, Jongan Park, J. Ma, "Distributed Multi-hop Cooperative Communication in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks," Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 353-369, June 2011.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子0.841) |
30. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing | |
1 |
Min Chen, T. Kwon, Y. Yuan, Y. Choi, and V. Leung, "MADD: Mobile-agent-based Directed Diffusion in Wireless Sensor Networks", EURASIP Journal on Applied in Signal Processing, Vol. 2007, No. 1, pp. 219–242, Jan. 2007. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.808) |
31. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking | |
1 |
K. Lin, Min Chen, "Research on energy efficient fusion-driven routing in wireless multimedia sensor networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2011, DOI: 10.1186/1687-1499-2011-142, 2011. |
2 |
Min Chen; Chin-feng Lai; H. Wang; "Mobile Multimedia Sensor Networks: Architecture and Routing" ; EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking; Vol. 2011, No. 1, pp. 159-168, 2011.(JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.805) |
3 |
W. Ji, Min Chen, X. Ge, P. Li, Y. Chen, "ESVD: A Integrated Energy Scalable Framework for Low Power Video Decoding Systems", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2010, doi:10.1155/2010/234131, 2010. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.805) |
4 | Y. Yuan, Min Chen, T. Kwon, "A Novel Cluster Based Cooperative MIMO Scheme for Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2006, No. 2, pp. 38-47, 2006.(JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.805) |
32. IET Communications | |
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X. Wang, Min Chen, T. Kwon, H. Chao, "Multiple Mobile Agents Itinerary Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey and Evaluation", IET Communications, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 1769-1776, Aug. 2011. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.720) |
33. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems | |
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C. Lai; Min Chen; M. Qiu, A. Vasilakos, J. Park; "A RF4CE-based Remote Controller with Interactive Graphical User Interface Applied to Home Automation System"; ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems; Vol. 12; No. 2; Article No. 30; Feb. 2013.(JCR三区期刊,影响因子1.367) |
34. IET Information Security | |
1 |
Y. Zhang, M. Park, H. Chao, Min Chen, L. Shu, C. Park, "Outlier Detection and Countermeasure for Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks." IET Information Security, Vol. 4, No. 4, 361 – 373, 2009. (JCR三区期刊,影响因子0.631) |
35. Sensor Letters | |
1 |
Min Chen; X. Wang; Victor Leung; Yong Yuan; "VCR: Virtual Coordinates Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks"; Sensor Letters(SL); Vol.4; No.3 pp.325-330; 2006.(JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.558) |
2 |
Y. Yuan and Min Chen, "Mixture Integer Programming Based Optimal Transmission Policy Design for Multiple Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks", Sensor Letters, Vol.4, No.3, pp. 266-274, Sep. 2006. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.558) |
36. Advances In Computers | |
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S. Gonzalez, Min Chen and V. Leung, "Applications of Mobile Agents in Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing", Advances in Computers, Vol. 82, ISBN: 9780123855121. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.489) |
37. ACM Multimedia Systems | |
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C. Lai, Y. Huang, J. Chen, W. Ji, Min Chen, "Design and Integration of the OpenCore Based Mobile TV Framework for DVB-H/T Wireless Network",ACM /Springer Multimedia Systems, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 299-311, July 2011. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.443) |
38. Security and Communication Networks | |
1 |
Y. Zhang, Y. Xiao, Min Chen, J. Zhang, and H. Deng, "A Survey of Security Visualization for Computer Network Logs," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 404–421, April 2012. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子1.067) |
39. Journal of Universal Computer Science | |
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Q. Liu, Min Chen, J. Zhang, B. Shen, Z. Chu, "Network Planning for WiMAX-R Networks", Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 1194_1217, 2012. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.401) |
40. KSII Transactions On Internet And Information Systems | |
1 |
Min Chen, J. Wan, F. Li, "Machine-to-Machine Communications: Architectures, Standards, and Applications", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 480-497, Feb. 2012.(JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.452) |
2 |
X. Liu, Min Chen (通信作者), T. Wan, C. Yu, "Hybrid No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Focusing on Codec Effects," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, pp. 592 - 606, Mar. 2011. (JCR四区期刊,影响因子0.452) |
41. IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid | |
1 |
M. Qiu, W. Gao, Min Chen, J. Niu, L. Zhang, "Energy Efficient Security Algorithm for Power Grid Wide Area Monitoring System", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 715-723, Dec. 2011. |
42. IEEE Access | |
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C. Perera, C. Liu, S. Jayawardena, Min Chen, "A Survey on Internet of Things From Industrial Market Perspective", IEEE Access, Vol. 2, pp. 1660-1679, 2014.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244) |
2 |
Min Chen, V. Leung, X. Lai, "5G Wireless Technologies: Perspectives on the Next Generation of Mobile Communications and Networking", IEEE Access, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-3, Dec. 2014.(JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.244) |
43. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | |
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D. Zhang, S. Zhang, L. Yang, Min. Chen, Y. Wang, H. Liu "NextMe: Localization Using Cellular Traces in Internet of Things", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, DOI: 10.1109/TII.2015.2389656, 2015.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子8.785) |
44. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing | |
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W. Sha, Y. Zhu, Min Chen, T. Huang, "Statistical Learning for Anomaly Detection in Cloud Server Systems: A Multi-Order Markov Chain Framework", IEEE Trans. on Cloud Computing, to appear, 2015. |
45. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | |
1 |
H. Tian, D. Wu, J. He, Y. Xu, Min Chen, "On Achieving Cost-Effective Adaptive Cloud Gaming in Geo-distributed Data Centers ", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, to appear, 2015.(JCR一区期刊,影响因子3.599) |
Selected Publications: Recent first author papers | |
1 | Min Chen, S. Mao, Y. Liu, "Big Data: A Survey", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (ACM MONET) , Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 171-209, April 2014. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子3.259)[LocalPDF] Rank 1st among most downloaded papers after online published for three days [link] |
2 |
Min Chen (single author), "NDNC-BAN: Supporting Rich Media Healthcare Services via Named Data Networking in Cloud-assisted Wireless Body Area Networks", Information Sciences,Vol. 284, No. 10, pp. 142-156, Nov. 2014. |
Selected Publications: Recent Non-first-author Journal Papers | |
1 | I. Son, S. Mao, Y. Li, Min Chen, M. Gong, and Theodore (Ted) S. Rappaport, "Frame-based medium access control for 5G wireless networks,” ACM/Springer MONET, DOI: 10.1007/s11036-014-0565-0, 2015. (Popular Content of this publication, as of Jan 30, 2015) |
2 | Y. Sun, Min Chen et. al, "MatrixDCN: a high performance network architecture for large-scale cloud data centers", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, DOI: 10.1002/wcm.2579, 2015. (JCR二区期刊,影响因子1.899) |
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Min Chen @ 2009 |